1. While eco-inclusive enterprises drive the transition to a circular economy, they often face significant constraints to build and scale their businesses. Mr. Boachie highlighted that eco-inclusive MSMEs often face specific challenges based on perceived higher-than-normal risks, and a unique need for longer-term financing.

  2. From October—November 2020, SEED provided two 3-day eco-inclusive ToT workshops for representatives of SNV’s selected hubs, incubators and accelerators in Ashanti and Western Regions.
  3. When COVID-19 hit, SEED and its supported enterprises were affected like the rest of the world. Our programmes - designed for peer-learning and networking - had to quickly adjust to this new global reality and move to a virtual environment. In an effort to both support affected enterprises and be able to keep our programmes running.

  4. During a 2-day workshop in each of the three target countries (Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe), SEED will provide you with the most relevant tools to work on your enterprise resilience.

  5. Up to 48 prize packages will be awarded to innovative and promising locally led enterprises in social and environmental sectors from emerging economies. This year, in its 14th cycle, two award categories are offered.
  6. At the 2020 SEED Practitioner Labs for Policy Prototyping (PLPP) in Ghana and Thailand, multi-stakeholder groups designed support mechanisms to leverage the participation of socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable MSMEs in the circular economy. We provide recommendations based on the solutions developed to guide future circular economy policy implementation.
  7. SEED and PAGE, the Partnership for Action on Green Economy, are uniting to amplify the impact of eco-inclusive enterprises.
  8. SEED held our first SEED Alumni Social Meet-Up session last Thursday with participants of the past SEED Catalyser and Accelerator programmes from all over the world.
  9. SEED participates in a virtual discussion is to identify and analyse the main impacts of COVID-19 on entrepreneurs and MSMEs

  10. Climate Finance for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is a key component for addressing India’s climate action and sustainable development agendas.

  11. This session presented best practices and initiatives of circular economy models among MSMEs in the Asia and Pacific region, with discussions highlighting policy and finance instruments that support enterprises.   

  12. The Academy is aimed at the local bank staff and other finance actors that want to finance more successfully green small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and environmental-related projects in Uganda.

  13. SEED piloted a new Lab format together with the GO4SDGs platform: the SEED Regional Practitioner Labs for Policy Prototyping. The Labs showcase innovative, breakthrough policies and policy programmes, the Labs were based on the theory of change that replication is an effective and efficient way to solve similar problems across geographies.

  14. #GO4SDGs Presents: Innovative solutions for MSMEs in a green recovery was an official side event at the 2021 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development hosted jointly the GGKP, SEED and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
  15. Announcing the winners of the 2021 SEED Awards for Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Development, at the UN’s High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF).
  16. The Forum brought together actors of all backgrounds united around a common goal: to build a Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty world.

  17. The forum provided a platform to learn from each other and identify best practices that can create lasting results. Over the three days, the forum featured sessions to share information, experiences, and successes in promoting a more circular global economy.

  18. The summit focused on green initiatives in the Indian industry and brought experts in the field of circular economy together to discuss the challenges and opportunities in fostering and promoting sustainable models to attain the transition towards a circular economy.  

  19. The event Nature for Life Hub 2021 took place online from 4 - 6 October 2021, bringing together activists, influencers, leaders, and businesses to share and reflect on their ambitious journey towards a nature-positive future.
  20. On October 13, SEED hosted the online workshop “A showcase of policy solutions benefiting Africa’s circular economy MSMEs”, as part of the circular economy conference track at the WRF2021.

  21. On November 8, SEED hosted a session at the COP26 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Side Event, to discuss the topic Entrepreneurship for Climate Mitigation and Resilience.

  22. On October 25, SEED's Head of Programmes Mirko Zuerker presented Eco-inclusive Enterprises Driving Green Recovery at GGGWeek2021

  23. On 17 November, SEED's Executive Director, Arab Hoballah, spoke at the 9th Mediterranean Green & Renewable Energy Summit as part of the Meda Week Barcelona 2021.

  24. On 20 November 2021, SEED participated in the Social Enterprise Thailand Forum 2021, under the theme "Where Profit Meets Purpose - Sustainable Society, Long-lasting Business".

  25. SEED hosted the Regional Practitioner Labs for Policy Prototyping: Asia Chapter in collaboration with the GO4SDGs platform to showcase innovative, breakthrough policies and policy programmes in the area of circular economy.
  26. SEED participated and showcased the importance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in reforestation and climate change mitigation on Greek House Davos platform.

  27. The Coalition for Innovation, Circularity, and Entrepreneurship (CICE) will serve as a Voice of SMEs, while providing needed enabling services.

  28. The Coalition for Innovation, Circularity, and Entrepreneurship (CICE) will serve as a Voice of SMEs, while providing needed enabling services.
  29. The Coalition for Innovation, Circularity, and Entrepreneurship (CICE) will serve as a Voice of SMEs, while providing needed enabling services.