1. Since 2010, SEED has been supporting the growth of eco-inclusive micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Uganda, promoting locally-led private sector contributions to green growth and job creation.
  2. On 10 and 11 November, 2022, SEED hosted several high-level events during COP27. SEED presented the Sustainable SME Action Agenda, a joint SEED, GO4SDGs and UNEP Report outlining the critical next steps of action to scale Green SME Support. Finally, the Coalition for Innovation, Circularity and Entrepreneurship was launched, a catalyser for scale up and impact.

  3. In 2022, many years after SEED’s last Award in Morocco, SEED is launching new activities to support green entrepreneurs. The aim is to strengthen innovation and job creation for a more sustainable and inclusive economy in Morocco.
  4. Established in 2018, the SEED Thailand Hub was instrumental in the implementation of the Global SEED Symposium and the Green Recovery Ecosystem Builder Programme Southeast Asia Cohort.
  5. A celebration was held at Bingu International Conference Centre to mark the 20th anniversary of the SEED programme and the launch of the Biodiversity Finance Accelerator (BioFA) project in Malawi. The event brought together eco-inclusive and biodiversity enterprises supported by SEED and BioFA programmes, as well as supporters and implementing partners in the climate-smart entrepreneurship space.
  6. The Biodiversity Finance Accelerator (BioFA) in collaboration with SEED hosted Practitioner Labs: Green Finance for Climate Adaptation & Biodiversity in Malawi. The Practitioner Labs aimed to facilitate a hands-on process that results in targeted green finance solutions, which support the growth of MSMEs that are actively delivering biodiversity solutions and championing climate adaptation efforts across their value chains.
  7. SEED celebrated 10 years of support for India’s transition to low-carbon and green economy since 2013 and the inauguration of the SEED India Hub in 2020.
  8. As part of SEED’s 20 Years celebration globally, the SEED 20 Years Celebration were held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, to celebrate and reflect on SEED’s work in Indonesia. The event brought together stakeholders of SEED’s various programmes including beneficiary MSMEs, partners, and ecosystem players in the climate-smart entrepreneurship space.
  9. With the aim to further promote eco-inclusive entrepreneurship and advocate for the role of the SMEs in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), SEED has been invited to join and contribute to a few major events: United Nations Regional Consultation for the Arab Region & United Nations Regional 3R and Circular Economy Forum in Asia and the Pacific.
  10. Urgent action is needed to secure the environmental commons, reverse environmental degradation, and support human well-being. The role of Green SMEs in this process cannot be overstated, as they have the potential to bring about positive societal change for a resilient future.
  11. SEED is now accepting applications for the Climate Adaptation Awards in Botswana, Malawi, and Zambia. Funded by the Government of Flanders, the Awards are part of a joint initiative to promote entrepreneurship for sustainable development.
  12. SEED is honoured to welcome Julie Bynens, Secretary General, Flanders Department of Chancellery and Foreign Affairs, in Casablanca to celebrate the launch of the project. Over the next months, upcoming activities include Training for Trainers workshops for Business Development Service Providers, a Green SME Finance Academy for financial institutions and SEED Replicator & SEED Starter workshops for aspiring entrepreneurs.

  13. FAO and SEED have identified twelve Agrifood Innovators from SEED's portfolio of 358 enterprises for the first rendition of the SDG Agrifood Accelerator Programme. The Programme supports the selected innovators' pathway to scale up and links them with partners to strengthen their market development and innovation trajectories.
  14. By now many of you may have read about the devastating “record-breaking” longest-lasting tropical cyclone that has caused extensive damage, taking lives, leaving many families without shelter, food, and water in Southern Africa. The situation is critical and highlights the extreme urgencies of loss and damage caused by climate change especially to the global south, widening already existing inequalities. As partners working closely with these communities in Malawi, we would like to call for your support for them in their efforts to rebuild.

  15. For over 20 years now, SEED has been supporting eco-inclusive enterprises across more than 30 countries. Eco-inclusive MSMEs provide market-based solutions to social and environmental problems. These enterprises create lasting collective impacts across their value chains, serving the communities at the base of the pyramid and promoting the inclusion of disadvantaged groups, while tackling environmental issues.

  16. SEED is gladly back to Morocco with a new project, aiming to strengthen innovation and job creation to further promote and deliver sustainable and inclusive economy, through enhanced green entrepreneurship. Moroccan entrepreneurs are invited to take part in the SEED Replicator Programme, which offers a unique opportunity for incubation and personalised tailored support.
  17. India is now a home to the third-largest startup ecosystem in the world. With the rise of digital technologies and an increasing number of young entrepreneurs over the past decade, the Indian startup ecosystem has come a long way. From April 2023 Ekonnect is hosting the SEED’s India Hub to scale the impacts of eco-inclusive enterprises.
  18. Join our side event to the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development organized by the Government of Flanders and SEED, in collaboration with Germany, UNEP, UNDP, FAO, WFTO and BioFA, at the Flanders House New York.
  19. Today, adelphi and Flanders announced the winners of the Green Entrepreneurship Awards 2023 under the Climate Adaptation category by SEED. The awards scheme, a flagship event of adelphi’s Green Entrepreneurship programme, aims to recognise and celebrate the most innovative and promising eco-inclusive and circular enterprises in developing and emerging economies.
  20. At the occasion of HLPF 2023, an event on "Eco-Inclusive SMEs facilitating transformative change for Nature, Climate, Circular- and Agrifood-Systems delivering towards the SDGs" was organised by SEED and the Government of Flanders. With localising the SDGs being one of the main focuses of HLPF 2023, the SEED event was probably the only one involving SMEs, delivering on the ground with and for local communities, facilitating needed transformative change for resilient ecosystems and societies, and for a green economy.
  21. SEED and FAO will host a Side Event at UN Food Systems Summit +2, on Wednesday, 26 July, in Rome, Italy and online. The side-event considers countries' pathways and different realities by showcasing and exchanging various bottom-up solutions and innovations that can support ongoing sectoral policies, national food systems strategies and voluntary national reviews in the context of the 2030 agenda.
  22. We are deeply saddened by the loss of Crispin Rapinet. His support as member and as Chair of the SEED Board has been tremendous. We will miss his leadership, advice and his wonderful sense of humour very much. Our thoughts and sympathies go out to his family.
  23. SEED and the Circular Economy Catalyst, hosted by adelphi, are organising a side event as part of the World Resources Forum 2023
  24. Last month, we piloted the first SEED TVET Training of Trainers on Eco-Inclusive and Climate Change Adaptation Entrepreneurship at Linde Hotel in Mponela, Malawi.
  25. 2022 is a special year for SEED, not only celebrating 20 years but also drawing lessons from activities and various projects, initiating new collaborations while looking forward to 2023 and beyond, being better informed and equipped to contribute to urgent transformative change with and through SMEs. The 2022 Annual Report highlights SEED activities and achievements in terms of enterprise support, ecosystem building and advocacy.