SEED participates in 3Zero World Forum by Convergences

The 2 days session involved debates, workshops and networking to share ideas and think together on how to make a Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty world happen.

On 2 and 3 September, Head of SEED Communications Linde Wolter and Enterprise Support Advisor Camilla Shearman attended the 3Zero World Forum to discuss green recovery and the role of MSMEs and hosted a green recovery-related prototyping session.

The 3Zero World Forum by Convergences, which took place in Paris, brought together 5,700 participants of 52 nationalities: there were 1,700 participants at the Palais Brongniart and over 4,000 people joined the forum online. After an absence in 2020 and a health context that was not very conducive to meetings, this annual event allowed for meaningful exchanges and was the starting point for many partnerships and collaborations. In particular, the dynamics of citizenship, the integration of young people in democratic life and the diversity of the participants testify to the commitment of a unique ecosystem throughout the year. Participants have brought the highest level of the major issues of our time and the solutions to build together a 3Zero world: Zero exclusion, Zero carbon, Zero poverty.