Noble Gold
Noble Gold addresses the problem of poverty in rural communities through an innovative partnership model that breaks the cycle of intergenerational poverty. Noble Gold also assists with planning and monitoring the farms of the out-growers, which boosts productive activities and increases the harvest of the farmers.
Noble Gold encourages farmers to use organic fertilisers and certified seed and trains them on conservational aspects, including how to avoid field-erosion and avoid post-harvest losses.
- Benefitting 65 farmers who receive the necessary input (seeds and planting material) and can, therefore, provide for their families
- Assisting farmers to acquire solar-powered water pumps to avoid air pollution
- Increasing the use of organic fertilizers to address water pollution
- Reducing erosion of farmland by using bananas as main input material which avoids annual ploughing
- Improving communal farming and its production
- Increasing the price at which farmers sell their produce
- Securing a constant supply of raw materials from the farmers
- Adding value to raw materials to sell at a higher price
Panga Banana Organisation is a group of banana farmers with whom Noble Gold has a working partnership agreement
Batani Farmer Group is a group of local communal farmers that receive inputs from Noble Gold. After harvest, they sell the produce back to Noble Gold.
Impact Africa Trust assists with technical support for the project