Bosque Humedo Biodiverso

Raising awareness regarding social and environmental responsibility

Bosque Humedo Biodiverso is a community-based business development initiative for the sustainable use of products of collective forests of Afro-Colombian communities in the middle basin of the Atrato River.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
Bosque Humedo Biodiverso reduces deforestation and increases community income by creating alternative income sources based on non-timber products.
  • Developing three sources of alternative income and sustainable management of forests in 15 Afro-Colombian communities of the Half Atrato.


  • Conducting economic valuation and cultural re-significance of 500 hectares of collective forests. 
  • Promoting of the sustainable use of the collective territories.


  • Generation of income (COP $ 35,000 per day per collector). 
  • Creating a new sector of the regional economy based on the non-timber forest products and complementary activities such as transportation and financial services (microcredit).


“BOSQUE HUMEDO BIODIVERSO” is a business initiative headed by a local NGO that uses fruit and pulp as ingredients for the local cosmetics and food industries. The use of non-timber products will reduce deforestation of tropical forests and local families will benefit from collecting value-added goods. This helps develop alternative income sources and promotes the sustainable management of local biodiversity.

ESPAVÉ Foundation: NGO that manages the specialised process in the development of community initiatives for the use of biodiversity.

COCOMACIA: Community Council of Afro-Colombians and owner of the collective title about regional forests.

Ecoflora SAS: leading B2B and pioneering in the development of technological solutions, bio-inputs and services derived from biodiversity.

Forest Products Naidi SAS: Produces and commercialises the pulp of murrapo or acai and palm hearts.