Village Cereal Aggregation Centres (VCAC)
Promoting better post-harvest practices for food security and market linkages
Village Cereal Aggregation Centres (VCACs) introduce post-harvest technologies and support farmers to engage in safe near-farm cereal storage, in order to increase food security and their capacity to trade competitively. VCACs comprise grain processing and bulking facilities, fully equipped with aflatoxin-testing kits, moisture meters, threshing, drying and bagging gear, and hermetic storage. The initiative offers farmers comprehensive training in post-harvest management including aflatoxin and pest control methods, grain marketing and trading standards, and business and financial management.
Eco-Inclusive Impacts
The initiative is creating new community-level co-operatives, which enhance the farmers’ ability to engage in joint production, processing, storage and marketing activities.
- Creating new community-level co-operatives, enhancing farmers’ ability to engage in joint production, processing, storage and marketing.
- Leading to increased incomes, food security and improved social welfare.
- Encouraging improved production and proper land and water utilisation and farmers to adopt good environmental protection practices.
- Reducing the use of harmful pesticides in food storage.
- Reducing over 25% post-harvest losses by increasing profitability in cereal production activities.
- Helping farmers to gain better returns on their investment.
A local commercial entity has joined forces with the national government, the financial sector and cereal buyers to establish mobile post-harvest management centres in villages – enabling farmers to deliver high-quality grain to the market value chain and encouraging more participation of youth in cereal production.
Kenya Promotions & Marketing Company (Holdings) Ltd. provides technology, expertise and establishes fully equipped post-harvest management centres.
The Ministry of Agriculture supports the establishment of the VCACs on a public-private sector basis and promotes the establishment within key cereal production areas.
The National Irrigation Board supports small-scale farmers to engage in irrigation farming.
Equity Bank provides financing to farmers to access agro-inputs and markets.