Pollinate Energy

Establishes micro-distribution network for clean energy technology.
2013 SEED Low Carbon Award; IKI BMU
Clean Energy

Energy poverty is not a technology problem, it’s a distribution problem. Pollinate Energy fills this gap by training local people in technical and entrepreneurial skills and supporting them as they build clean energy micro-franchises. These franchises service urban slum residents with clean energy products, such as solar systems and smokeless cookstoves. Pollinate Energy’s clean energy solutions help fight India’s widespread energy poverty by effectively reaching out to the increasing numbers of urban slum communities, both as customers and distributors.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
Pollinate Energy’s clean energy solutions help fight India’s widespread energy poverty by effectively reaching out to the increasing numbers of urban slum communities, both as customers and distributors.
  • Providing over 15,000 individuals in slum communities with access to affordable solar lighting.
  • Training 20 micro-entrepreneurs to build successful clean energy businesses.
  • Improving the health of users by eliminating the need for kerosene lanterns and improving air quality.
  • Contributing to climate protection by saving a total of 37,440 litres of kerosene per year.
  • Offsetting 89,856 kg of carbon dioxide a year by using solar energy lighting systems.
  • Educating micro-entrepreneurs and local communities about the benefits of green technologies.
  • Generating additional and alternative income sources for members of urban slum communities through the manufacture and sale of solar lighting systems.
  • Enhancing overall productivity through electrification of peri-urban areas.


Establishing a micro-distribution network for appropriate and affordable green household products, this enterprise targets urban poor migrant communities in India that rely on kerosene for their daily lighting requirements. Their mission is to create job opportunities for local “Pollinators” to start their own businesses as micro-distributors that bring clean energy technology, in the form of small-scale solar lights, directly to the most needy communities.

Pollinate Energy India is responsible for training micro-entrepreneurs, implementing, monitoring and evaluating their activities. It runs a volunteer program that brings young professionals to Pollinate Energy headquarters. 

Pollinate Energy Australia provides support with day-to-day operations, finance, logistics, and training for micro-entrepreneurs.

Parinaam Foundation helps recruit micro-entrepreneurs and advises on working with low-income urban communities.