
Promoting eco-tourism in Burkina Faso
SWITCH Africa Green
Burkina Faso

Nong-Weogo, meaning "Loving Nature" is a green tourism enterprise and promoter of nature and culture in Burkina Faso. Tourists can choose to focus on different topics: nature, therapeutic and medicinal virtues of plants, local arts or a stay with local communities.

Other important aspects are the training of tourist guides, reforestation campaigns, sanctuaries of tourist parks and places, and promoting the protection of the environment to support a green Burkina. Currently they are in the process of analysing and implementing guidelines that will improve customer satisfaction.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
Promoting reforestation and strengthening eco-tourism locally.
  • Reducing litter through the promotion of recycled products and wide-spread availability of waste-bins. 
  • Creating CO2 savings and reducing air pollution through reforestation and creation of green villages. 
  • Improving local sanitary conditions by reducing waste.
  • Promoting low-carbon eco-tourism.
  • Creating health benefits by popularizing therapeutic and medicinal plants.
  • Creating employment for women by showcasing local handicrafts products by women artisans
  • Supporting local artisans by promoting cultural exchange and trade between eco-tourists and locals.


Nong-Weogo, meaning "Loving Nature" is a green tourism enterprise and promoter of nature and culture in Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso's Ministry of Culture & Tourism supports Nong-Weogo's efforts to promote eco-tourism locally.