Launch of the Second SAG-SEED Starter Months in Kenya

Want to set up an eco-inclusive enterprise? The Switch Africa Green-SEED Starter Months invite entries from teams who develop green and inclusive business solutions to one of the key social and environmental challenges in Kenya. The three challenges in Kenya are: Sustainable Agriculture, Manufacturing and Tourism. The winning teams will receive support on turning their idea into reality during the second round of the SAG-SEED Starter Months in Kenya

During two workshops in January in February in Nairobi, the future entrepreneurs will receive support on turning their ideas into a business. The selected teams will work on developing and refining their business ideas. The period between the two workshops will be used for facilitated testing of the idea with potential customers and partners. In the end, teams are ready to go public with their ideas. The most successful teams can win additional capacity building support for their enterprise!

Apply by 19 December! For more information and how to apply click here.

Are you not in Kenya? The 2017 SAG-SEED Starter Months will also take place later in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mauritius, South Africa and Uganda.

To learn more about the project components implemented under the SWITCH-Africa Green multi-country project “Promoting Eco-Entrepreneurship in Africa” visit: