BDS+ Training of Trainers: Special Focus
From helping SMEs develop key contracts and governance documents to drafting a comprehensive financial plan, BDS providers offer valuable support for SMEs, often behind the scenes. As part of our ecosystem building activities, SEED conducts Training of Trainers workshops that help BDS providers better support eco-inclusive small and medium enterprises. We caught up with a number of BDS providers from Ghana, Indonesia, India, Thailand, and Uganda who share with us the work challenges they face in their local countries, how the SEED Tools have benefitted their work, and why focusing on triple bottom line could be the key for small-medium enterprises to secure funding.
Stay tuned for updates!
BDS+ Special Focus 2020
Part 2 of the BDS+ Special Focus blog series - this time deep diving into country-specific niches.
BDS+ Special Focus 2019
A five-part special focus blog series, that capture experiences and stories from BDS+ providers in their local countries.
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